This is a creature design I did over the past couple of days for the "Creature of the Week" contest on, the brief was simply Annihilators from Nessus, the ninth circle of hell. Demons are pretty easy to throw together, so I took the opportunity to have a go at digital painting and see if I could explore the process, more than the concept. To begin with I went through ideas very quickly, then once I had a sketch of something that a good design, and sat well in space, I moved onto to painting in a simple top down light source, and in doing so added all the details ()this was the part that took the longest). I then got some images of marble, rust and ink in water, and used them with blend layers to add some textures and "grittyness" to the design. I finished by using dodge and burn to bring back some of the highlights and dark shades that were lost in the texturing.
Overall I am quite pleased with the result, while conceptually weak I think it provided a good opportunity to practice "rendering" and get stuck in pushing digital paint around. Also it was a good experience working to the deadline of the competition, it is all too easy to get complacent with work and let things drag out much longer than they need to.
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